The ICBA System is an Integrated Banking Solution, designed to meet the needs of global financial institution. ICBA System provides online real-time for front office and back office processing. ICBA System consists of Conventional;and Islamic Banking modules for both Retail and Wholesale banking operation complemented with ATM, Telebanking ;and Internet Banking. ICBA is developed using Oracle Designer & Developer and runs under Unix, Windows & OS/390.
MVS(OS/390), Windows 95/98/ME, Windows XP/2000/NT , Tandem/HP Non-Stop, AIX, HP/UX, Silicon Graphics IRIX, Linux, SCO UNIX/PC UNIX, Solaris/Sun OS
Web-Based (Browser)
ICBA System is an Integrated Banking System designed to meet the demanding needs of local and international financial institutions. ICBA System consists of the following modules
- Customer Information File (CIF)
- Savings Account
- Current Account
- Fixed Deposits
- Loans
- Hire Purchase
- Leasing
- Block Discounting
- Remittances
- Trade Finance
- Treasury
- General Ledger
- Risk Management
- Business Intelligence System
In additional to the above conventional banking modules, following Islamic Banking modules are also available:
- Al-Wadiah Savings Account
- Al-Wadiah Current Account
- Al-Mudharabah Investment
- Islamic Financing (Based on Bai'Bithaman Ajil / Al-Inah / Murabahah)
- Al-Ijarah & Ijarah Thuma Al-Bai (Islamic Leasing)
- Musharakah & Mudharabah Joint Venture (Equity Financing)
- Islamic Money Market
ICBA user can choose to implement module by module as each module can run either in a standalone or integrated mode. When integrated, the modules are linked by CIF key to provide total financial information on each customer.
The following are some of the main features provided by ICBA :
- Customer Information File provides view of each customer's total assets and liabilities
- Online real-time update of customer accounts
- Complete front and back office processing
- Highly secured system by means of user ID, user password, multilevel access authority, audit trail and electronic journal
- Parameter driven to minimise program changes and to provide flexibility as well as user independence
- User friendly WINDOWS front end
- Highly scalable - capable of supporting thousands of online users